Monday, April 28, 2008

Summary of Everything So Far...

Summary of what I have done so far in MPI 104....
Where to begin!? I suppose with the ... beggining, aka: 
  • I created my very first blogspot. It currently has nine posts, here are some links some of what i consider my more interesting posts:
  • The extensive work i have done towards improving the aesthetic look of my blog is all outlined in my post regarding templates. however as a general overview i changed the template, background colour, font, layout, text size, colour, lots of things!
  • I have made numerous comments to other blogs, including that of MPI104-2008 and fellow classmates, here are some of the more interesting comments:
    • This is actually a comment that i made on my post in response to a question by a classmate
    • comment on Josh Reardon's Blogspot
    • Two comments i made on Tom Phu's Blogspot
    • This is a comment on the MPI104 blogspot, you might have to scroll down a bit to find mine!
  • I have used multiple tags - several at the end of each post in the hopes of people searching for such topics and stumbling across my blogspot! Some examples of tags that i have used include:
  • other work that i have done in blogger:
    • Adding a to-do list
    • The inclusion of various video clips
    • A list of all the labels/tags used in Blogger
    • I connected my blog with Tom and Josh's
    • I added a welcome greeting 
    • I created a profile and added a profile picture <a very charming one at that!>
    • I added a 'news' applications with links to various sights
    • General exploration with format and aesthetics of the page
  • I currently have 27 book marked web pages. The ones that i book marked are links i find of interest, my favourite 3 web pages are probably..
    • YouTube - Its such a novelty for me at the moment, mainly because its so varied and huge and its so cool that i can finally look at all these crazy movies <up until i came to uni we had dial up internet at home which it takes about an hour to download one song let alone video clips...!>
    • Apple is one of my favourite websites because <it sounds really nerdy> but i can dream of all the awesome gadgets i could have if i was rich!
    • Facebook aaaah it is true i am addicted. Its such a great site for keeping in contact with everyone ... everywhere!
  • I have 20 uploaded images in my Flikr account! This site is actually really cool for keeping your photos, i like i like! 
  • My three favourite images are probably:
    • My dodgey photoshopping of my friend onto a cup of soup packet!
    • All the images of my friends flying! But mostly this one!
    • The action shot of me and my buddy acting crazy  on our last day of school ever!
Woaaah this is possibly the longest blog post ever! so many links!! Well have a lovely day :D

Mac Problem Solved!

If anyone out there has a brand new Mac OS X 10.5.2 and you live on campus you will probably have realised the drama involved in connecting it to the internet, it just doesn't happen! Well i have a solution <yaaaay> well technically I recieved this solution off the IT forum, but its a solution all the same :P

Firstly you must download the latest version of Authoxy
1. Go to the Apple menu, select System Prefs, and click the Authoxy icon
2. Make sure the Username is your CSU username. Re-enter your CSU password (even if you think it should have to correct one in there).
3. Make sure "Use this proxy server" is selected and the Address of the server is "" and the port is 8080.
4. Click the top button labelled "Start Authoxy". If it says "Stop Authoxy" click it once so it says "Start Authoxy", and then click it again.

Worked for me :D thankyou wise forum people!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Dancing walrus!!

This is craaazy! Go you dancing walrus! :)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Ahhh changing your blogger is surprisingly easy. You select customize and then within that section you can change the templates, aka. the base of your page - the theme/background/presentation of your blogspot. Their are quite a few template options already created, however you can alter them to customize your page. You can change the font colours, the layout of the page, the font size, you can add different features such as lists, video's etc. You can only change the aspects featured in the templates, eg. select out of the fonts nominated, however if you are confident one can alter the html coding within the page to change more elements. 
In my blog I changed quite a bit. The fonts for starters - the colours i thought could have been improved, so i changed the main text, the heading, the dates, pretty much all of the originals used in the template. i then went on to alter the font type to 'courier' and then the overall font size for easier accessibility. I then changed the page layout around a bit, adding various other features such as a to do-list and moving the linked sites to the lower section of the side palette.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Onto CSS this week, which is a completely new concept to me <I'm so computer illiterate! gah!> its a good concept in that you keep all the presentation aspects together, and the html coding together. You can change the layers, fonts, colours and any aspect of the presentation without having to alter the html coding thereby improving accessibility. 
When viewing a page Firefox with "no style" it visually shows you the dramatic difference of not having any presentation aspects in a page - it highlights the lack of CSS - very interesting activity! 

Tag/Bookmarking Web Pages

There are quite a few social bookmarking websites which similarly to use tag links to bookmark web pages. Some examples I found include:


Random/hilarious clips from TV series Arrested Development

PLOT SUMMARY: The Bluth family adopted a Korean child who doesn't speak any English. Upon arrival he says "annyong" to them, and so they assumed that it was his name. HOWEVER in reality it actually means "hello" in Korean, so everytime they say his 'name' annyong he responds with "annyong" ! they get so cranky, ahh funny stuff!!

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